
Al Hamme

Woodwind Artist, Clinician, Conductor, Arranger, Composer, Professor at Binghamton University, Director of the Cornell Jazz Ensemble



I have been playing on Bois ligatures for the last four or five months and I am very pleased with the product. The reed seems to vibrate a lot freer than with other ligatures and the result is that articulation and tone quality are greatly improved. I also believe that these ligatures have helped improve the intonation throughout the range of the instruments (I am using them on soprano, alto and tenor saxophones as well as clarinet). The tonal quality and intonation in the altissimo register of the clarinet has especially improved for me. I use Jody Jazz mouthpieces on alto and tenor saxophones. I found that I couldn't use a single ligature on these mouthpieces since Jody Jazz mouthpieces are quite different in design and size than those made by other companies. Therefore, I am using two Bois ligatures on each of these instruments. On tenor I am using the Bois metal tenor size for the bottom of the reed and the Bois soprano size for the top of the reed (on a Jody Jazz "ESP"). On Alto I am using a Bois clarinet ligature for the bottom of the reed and Bois metal alto size for the top of the reed (on a Jody Jazz "Classic"). On both of these set-ups I experience the same freeness as I get with soprano and clarinet; and the articulation from the bottom of the horn through the altissimo register is as precise as I experience on clarinet.

William S. Carson

D.M.A -- Chair, Department of Music -- Director of Bands, Coe College



The Bois ligature works like many more expensive ligatures, but without the moving parts. It's more durable than traditional ligatures, and nearly indestructible. With the reasonable price, this seems like a great option for beginners especially, but more advanced players will love the convenience.

Bill Harris

Recording Artist, P. Mauriat Saxophone & JodyJazz Mouthpiece Endorser



I LOVE THESE LIGATURES! These are the best ligatures I've ever tried (and I think I've probably tried them all over the years!). I love the simple design, the ease of use is just fantastic and you can't beat the price! The truly great thing about these ligatures though, is the sound. The first thing I noticed is how free-blowing they are. After playing them a while I realized there was something more to my sound. There is a life to the sound that I first wanted to describe as a buzz (a good thing!) or sizzle and I realized it's just the sound of a totally vibrating reed. I highly recommend these ligatures!

Chester Brezniak

Massachusetts Symphony, Principle Clarinetist, Sao Paulo Symphony, Atlanta Symphony, Atlanta Ballet Orchestra



Pure, simple, and stylish, the basic Bois synthetic black ring ligature slips on the mouthpiece easily but with enough firmness to hold the reed in place at slightly below the vamp line of the reed. As a result, one feels more freedom of sound production and more ease in articulation. For its price, it's definitely an excellent ligature, and enhancer of tonal beauty.


Mike Lomax    

Lomax Classic Mouthpieces



I enjoyed visiting with you today and having the opportunity to try your new Bois Ligature. I found that it performed very well and allowed the reed to vibrate freely with a nice focused dark tone quality. I believe that the Bois Ligature will be a great boon to both students and professionals alike. Students will be able to afford a high quality performance ligature at an affordable price, that seems to be virtually unbreakable. Professionals will like the ability to fine tune their reed adjustment by altering the angle of contact with the reed. My very best wishes for great success with the Bois Ligature!


Ben Redwine  

Gennusa “Excellente” Mouthpieces, United States Naval Academy Band  



Playing the Bois Ligature is a pleasure! My tone was immediately dark and resonant. Upon looking at the back of the reed, I discovered that at least 50% more of the reed was vibrating as compared to other ligatures. You owe it to yourself to try one of these ligatures!" The Bois Ligature is endorsed and played by Ben Redwine, owner of the Gennusa "Excellente" Mouthpiece and the RedwineJazz, LLC companies. Mr. Redwine is the e-flat clarinetist with the United States Naval Academy Band, in Annapolis, Maryland. Ben also performs in the jazz band at the Academy on baritone saxophone. Through Mr. Redwine, the Bois Ligature made its international debut at the International Clarinet Association's ClarinetFest 2004 in Washington, D.C. on July 21-25, 2004.


Ted Lane 

American Sinfonietta, Principal Clarinetist:  The Julliard School, Florida State University



My high school students are sounding better now that they have your really wonderful ligature.


Al Soskin  

Atlanta International School, Professor of Clarinet & Saxophone



At first I was skeptical about the configuration. However, I decided to purchase a Bois and it worked better than the $30-$40 ligatures. I asked that my students try one and the results were dramatic. Their comments are; "richer sound; practical; simple to install a reed; sturdy and easier to reach the high notes." Bravo Bois!

Hometown:  Montreal  

 Improvised, Ensemble



I've always liked minimalist ideas. I needed to upgrade (and fast!) from the stock plastic Yamaha mpc/cheap metal lig combo I got with my bass. I now use the BOIS ligature with a Walter Grabner mpc and either Legere (2.75) or Vandoren(3) reeds. The BOIS doesn't seem as compatible with the Legere reeds and requires a bit more fuss to get everything in place and stable. With wood reeds the thing is FANTASTIC! It's simple, quick, VERY solid and has a great sound and feel to it. I ended up giving the Smart Cap to a sax player friend; it doesn't really fit bass clarinet mouthpieces. This is no gimmick and for the price it’s even better. I'd recommend to anybody looking for a no-frills, reliable ligature with great sound and feel.


Hometown:  Atlanta Ga. Area  

Classical, Jazz, Church



I play alto and tenor .. The alto sports a HR #6 Jazz Bamber and the tenor a STM 7* Link. I do not like spending money on something that doesn't really work. The BOIS lig works for me. Definitely more open sound, better response. The entire range of the horn. My instructor uses them on all his horns as well.. including his clarinet. And boy is he picky. Another professional friend (tenor sax) of mine tried it and went wild over it. Give it a run around the block.. WW&BW is very kind to us musicians. That's why we spend our hard earned money here.

Hometown:  Chicago Area  

36 years Professional Musician, Jazz, Blues, Funk, Latin



I got a Bois alto lig last week just out of curiosity. I'm always interested in what's new on the market with horns & I'll buy it if I like it&can afford it. Hey, let's face it, working musicians aren't rich. Well anyway, I went and purchased a Bois alto lig and played it on both my Lakey 7* & Rico Royal Graftonite B7 alto mouthpieces and I like it. It's pretty good. The reed vibrates nicely & it looks pretty cool on the horn but I have to admit, it don't beat a Rovner but it's a nice lig all the same. I'm even thinking of getting one for my tenor & clarinet & soprano sax.

Hometown:  Houston Texas  

Band, Choir, Adult Player



I got the Bois because I was curious if such a minimal approach would work. I have been playing a Harrison Hurtz ligature for many years and still keep it in my case as my primary. But I find myself reaching for the Bois Ligature more and more because I can't get over how well it works. It's so easy to use and it's especially helpful with auditioning reeds. The Clarinet size works well on my Selmer Alto Sax Hard Rubber mouthpiece too (But check available sizes for your combination) It's got to be a must for players who double.

Hometown:  Midwest  

All-State Clarinet Player, Band, Orchestra, Jazz



I used to use an old Selmer ligature which made my clarinet sound stuffy. Then I saw the Bois booth at the Missouri All-State convention and became very interested because I was searching for a new ligature. The Bois representative (actually she was the creator of the ligature) kindly let me try it and take it to one of the All-State rehearsals before I bought it. Lo and behold, within a few days 12 of the 24 clarinet players had bought a Bois. The Bois really frees up your sound and allows for maximum vibration. The Bois touches the reed on 1 point and the mouthpiece on 1 point, which makes for a freer sound. The maker of the ligature told me that she had modeled it after the Ultimate ligature. The ligature is made out of a really durable material and is practically unbreakable. It simply slides onto the reed and mouthpiece and it keeps the reed snug. Now you don't have to deal with the ugly metal ligature marks on your reed. I find this ligature to be very similar to the Bonade in sound. So if you like the Bonade, you'll like this. The difference in this and the Bonade is that the Bois has a slightly freer sound. Also, when my teacher walked further away while I was playing, she said it produced nice overtones. She's also coming out with wooden Bois ligatures soon. Cocobolo, Rosewood, and many more. The smart cap is the same cap that comes with the Ultimate. You can put water on the little pad to keep your reed moist. (I personally have never tried it, but it may be a feature that you would like.) I highly recommend this ligature. Hope you like it!

Mark C.  

Clarinetist for 26 Years, GoodMath.Blogspot



This little bugger is the most amazing thing that I've ever tried. It has more impact on the ease of playing than any other clarinet accessory I've ever seen. It's just absolutely stunning. I'm in love! I never dreamed that anything could be such a huge improvement over the Gigliotti that I've been using for the last 15 years. Wow, wow, wow!   I just think it's so amazing that I've had to rave.


 Nancy Buckman

 Principle Clarinetist with Orchestra AACC



I think the most unique and affordable item in the exhibit hall was the Bois Ligature. It is a hollow ring with an O-ring embedded in the hollow (no screws for adjustment to fit). You just drop it down over the top of your mouthpiece. It doesn't look like much, but when I tried it I was amazed. It actually clears up buzzing in the tone and helps to focus and project the sound.


Kelly Vanhook  

Classical Center at Brandenburg, Head Band Director



All the clarinet players in both my Honors and Symphonic Bands are using Bois Ligatures now. They are a staple for us! Bois Ligatures provide a darker, richer sound for the section. I highly recommend all your students using a Bois Ligature!"


Alexander Manukyan  

Armenian National Opera & Ballet, Clarinetist



It is a miracle! All things of genius - it is very simple, but what a change in the tone quality.


Hometown:  Los Angeles  

Public School Music Teacher, Private Teacher, Professional Clarinetist



This ligature provides great response especially in staccato playing. You can also change the response by tilting the ligature at different angles. I have tried it on a variety of different mouthpieces (Vandoran, Gigliotti and Clark Fobes) and it seems like it is a "one size fits all" ligature. Unlike ligatures of similar style, I like that it comes with a mouthpiece cap, so that it makes clean up easy. For the price it is a great ligature. Much better bargain than those with the exchangeable plates or look more like the old fashioned television antennas.


Hometown:  Iceland  

Classical, University Student



I usually play on the BG standard ligature or traditional gold plated if I need an extra projection and thought know I have the best let's stick to it. Forget it the Bois does it all. I wanted to use my shipping a bit more as I would pay the same for it glad I ordered the Bois. It is almost as dark as the BG standard but with the projection of the Traditional. Open up your sound and make more reeds playable. In less than 5 seconds you can take off your reed and put it back on. I've tried BG Standard, revolution and traditional, Vandoren leather, master, Klassik and Optimum, Rico H, Ligaphone orchestral and universal, Francois louis ultimate, Luyben, Rovner EVO5 and Eddie Daniels, Olegature and Bay Rohdium. Some are ridiculously expensive and some difficult to use but the Bois is inexpensive and extremely easy to use. The Bois is now on the top of my list followed by BG but at the very bottom is Rovner (kills the vibration of the reed and sounds thin).


 Hometown:  Southwest Texas  

High School Band Director, Clarinetist



I have lots of ligatures and tried many more! I've kept several ligs for playing different literature. I USED a Bonade most of the time also some several major leather strap type brands, well most of them. With the Bois I'm finding that it lets me do what I need when I need it. My first impression was that it had a wonderful sound but the articulation suffered? Well I know that when trying out a new mouthpiece you need to use new reeds. The same goes for this lig break several reeds in on it and the articulation is even easier!!! Not to mention the Tone and Flexibility!!! I don't use the cap it comes with, but the sound and ease I have make me a happy clarinetist! Give it a chance, you might be surprised!